Saint Lucia Citizenship


Saint Lucia is a sovereign island country in the West Indies in the eastern Caribbean Sea on the boundary with the Atlantic Ocean. Part of the Lesser Antilles, it is located North/Northeast of the island of Saint Vincent, Northwest of Barbados and South of Martinique.

St. Lucia – Quick Facts

  • Location: North America
  • Capital: Castries
  • Passport Rank: 31
  • Population: 180,000
  • Language: English


St Lucia Citizenship can be either by making required contribution to National Economic funds or by purchasing a govt. approved real estate shares.


Non refundable contribution (National Economic Funds)

Applicant can obtain life time citizenship by donating below mentioned amount in National Economic Funds.

Family Size


(Non refundable)

Application and Passport Fee

Due Diligence


Single Applicant

$ 100,000

Main applicant: $2,000

Main applicant: $7,500

Main Applicant +  Spouse

$ 165,000

Main applicant: $2,000

Spouse: $1,000

Main applicant: $7,500

Spouse: $5,000

Main Applicant + Spouse + 2 Dependents

$ 190,000

Main applicant: $2000

Each Dependent: $1,000

Main applicant: $7,500

Spouse: $5,000

Dependents over 16 yrs: $5,000

Main Applicant + Spouse+ more than 2 Dependents

$ 195,000

(Plus Additional $ 25,000 for each dependent

irrespective of age)

Main applicant : $ 2,000

Each Dependent : $ 1,000

Main applicant : $ 7,500

Spouse : $ 5,000

Dependents over 16 yrs : $ 5,000


Real Estate Investment (Investment in govt. approved projects)

The applicant is required to purchase $ 350,000 shares in a govt. approved project. Shares can be sold after 5 years.

Family Size


Due Diligence

Government Fees

Application & passport fee

Single Applicant


(5 yrs Holding Period)

Main applicant: $7,500

Main applicant: $ 50,000

Main applicant : $ 2,000

Main Applicant +  Spouse


 (5 yrs Holding Period)

Main applicant: $ 7,500

Spouse: $ 5,000

Main applicant: $ 50,000

Spouse: $ 35,000

Main applicant : $ 50,000

Main applicant : $ 2,000

Each Dependent : $ 1,000

Main Applicant + Spouse + 2 Dependents


(5 yrs Holding Period)

Main applicant: $ 7,500

Spouse: $ 5,000

Dependents over 16 yrs: $ 5,000

Main applicant : $ 50,000

Spouse: $ 35,000

Dependents over 18 yrs: $ 35,000

Dependents below 18 yrs: $ 25,000

Main applicant : $ 2,000

Each Dependent : $ 1,000

Main Applicant + Spouse+ more than 2 Dependents


(5 yrs Holding Period)

Main applicant: $ 7,500

Spouse: $ 5,000

Dependents over 16 yrs: $ 5,000

Main applicant : $ 50,000

Spouse: $ 35,000

Dependents over 18 yrs: $ 35,000

Dependents below 18 yrs: $ 25,000

Main applicant : $ 2,000

Each Dependent : $ 1,000

 ** Legal and Professional fee applicable


  • The whole process takes not more than three months
  • Applicants do not need to physically reside in Saint Lucia
  • It is not compulsory to Saint Lucia during the application process
  • There is no requirement of any interview
  • No education requirement
  • No managerial experience needed
  • Visa free travel to 146 countries including the Schengen Zone, the U.K. and Hong Kong
  • No tax on worldwide income
Personal Care Super Support Guaranteed

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Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia conse quuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.

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